
New support group

  So I did a thing today. I started a new group on Facebook for people who suffer with Dupuytren's disease in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana . It's more like a sub-group of other Dupuytren's groups, which offer a lot of archived information and large memberships. I'm hoping this group will be a caring place where people can ask questions and share regional information, such as doctors and specialists.

Adapt and go on

Loss. Everyone with Dupuytren's deals with it. For me, I can't clap any more. Hurts if I do. So I fake clap instead. And I'm not the only one. Someone told me that she does, too.  "Or I use my right hand to slap on my leg or a chair/table next to me," she posted. Someone can't open water bottles any more. I'm getting there. On Thanksgiving Day, I had to ask my son to open a can of corn with a can opener. Couldn't do it myself.  Someone can't high five his grandson any more. Because his grandson likes to high five as hard as he can.  Handshaking is also a challenge for some with the disease. Especially if the hand shaker squeezes too hard. So some fist bump instead of shaking hands.  So, yes, we're all learning to adapt to get on with life and co-exist with Dup.