On the look out

People like me with Dupuytren's know how frustrating this disease can be. On so many levels! Right now, I'm on the look out for a hand specialist or orthopedic hand surgeon who is on board with radiation as a treatment option for early stages of Dupuytren's. So far, I've seen two orthopedic hand surgeons, and neither seemed to endorse radiation. 
I've already had low-beam electron radiation treatments on my left hand. But I need someone to help me decide when the time's right for my right hand, which I hope and pray is some time far off. That specialist could also monitor my left hand. 
In the meantime, I've watched numerous online interviews with Dr. Richard Shaffer, a consultant clinical oncologist and UK expert in the use of radiotherapy for treating Dupuytren's and other benign diseases. I plan to make some baseline measurements of my right hand that he recommends in "When is it too early for radiotherapy for Dupuytren's disease?"

Some doctors in Australia have the right idea. Hunter Hand Surgery has a Dupuytren's Clinic that's a "one-stop shop." At this clinic, patients are assessed by a multidisciplinary team of hand surgeons, radiation oncologists and hand therapists to create a personalized treatment and management plan.
No luck so far on finding the right hand specialist for me in my area. But I'm not giving up!
UPDATE Dr. Brian Fricke with the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation assured me that he will monitor my other hand and help us decide when and if it needs radiation.  



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