A little about my radiation therapy

This week, I'm going for my second and final radiation treatments on my left hand. Ever curious and wanting to know, I've asked questions. Niko, one of my nice radiation therapists, as been answering them all. As you can see, I have to climb up on a metal table and lie down, then extend my arm above my head. That Elekta Versa HD can rotate all around a patient's body. It stays in one place for me. That square apparatus is called an electron cone (these come in different numbered sizes; mine was 14x14). It holds the electron cut-out. My personalized electron cut-out is lit up in green. That cut-out area is the shape of my palm that's being radiated. The metal blocks radiation beams from reaching the rest of my hand. I asked if I could keep mine. Niko laughed and said, no, that they're carcinogenic. They're also melted down and recycled to make new ones. He asked if I'd like to hold it and feel how heavy it is. Sure, I exclaimed. First I had to put on gloves....